Four Corners Monument: Navajo Art & New Day for Children
We backtracked several hours just to be able to see the Four Corners Monument. Apparently, we'd passed by the turn-off last night in the dark and Matthew and Lisa really wanted to see it. Four Corners is where the four states of Utah, Colorado, Arizona, & New Mexico intersect. I didn't know what to expect but there was a small monument where the state lines were drawn and each state had it's flag. We duly took photos of us standing simultaneously in all four states and then proceeded to look about at the Navajo stands which we hadn't expected.
There was stall after stall of Navajo artwork and handicraft for sale. One long row after another, one for each state. It was rather sad, actually. The jewelry, handicrafts, and art were beautifully made but, because there was so much, were all underpriced. Consequently, it was undervalued, tourists became overwhelmed and jaded, and Navajo artisans made little.
So we did what could to help the local Navajo economy. We bought several hundred dollars worth of jewelry made from silver, turquoise, and other precious stones which we are bringing back to sell for New Day for Children. Most of you know about New Day's work: to provide safety, shelter, and a new beginning to girls who want to be rescued from sexual slavery. We hope to raise enough money to give safety and shelter to one girl for one month. With Christmas coming up, now is a good time to be thinking of gifts for loved ones. This year, you can give a gift that will not only bless the recipient but also the Navajo woman who made the gift, and the young girl who has been set free from slavery as a result of your support.
In an unintended way, then, Four Corners was great. We're excited to get back home to share some beautiful Navajo jewelry with friends and share the proceeds with New Day for Children!
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