Our newest departure date for GART is Tuesday, June 29, 2010 (fingers crossed). The first stop along the way is Ashland, Oregon and the glorious Oregon Shakespeare Festival, where I plan to cram as much theater as humanly possible into roughly 48 hours. Reviews and comments to follow.
In other trip-related news: We have added new National Parks to the line-up! Grand Teton, Hot Springs, Petrified Forest, Bryce, and Zion could not be turned down, bringing our total to twelve national parks and one national monument during this summer alone. Since the house is now littered with books containing pictures of these breathtaking parks, we cannot help but be blown away at the realization that these are places we will actually be seeing.
We have also purchased a keyboard that will be accompanying us on the road, so you know the ride will be full of Elton John and Journey.
Now we are wrestling with packing. How do you pack for a three-and-a-half month trip, spanning so much of the continent and so many different activities? How is it possible for three members of such a consumeristic society to pack up and travel lightly for the sake of education and family? How in the world are we going to make this happen?!
Best of all is the fact that I have yet to drive the van on the freeway, which will be the bulk of this summer's driving. And the few times I have ventured onto the freeway at all were not pleasant experiences. This is promising.
Sitting, waiting, wishing...
Regardless of all the work we have to accomplish before we can even hope to leave, I have faith that things will work out and this will be an incredible journey.
Thanks for reading along!